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Please copy/paste to an email and complete then send to me at prior to our 1st lesson


ADDRESS: (incl postcode)






January '23


It is no longer a requirement to use a face covering for your driving test, and I don't require you to use a covering during lessons. This will be under review constantly depending on infection rates and guidance both nationally and locally. 


The windows may sometimes remain slightly open to help the circulation of air.  This may also be required on your practical test depending on the examiner. 


**Weather permitting, if there is something that needs some discussion we may stop the car and take the opportunity to get out and have the conversation mask free at a suitable distance should face coverings become a thing once more.


Should you start to feel unwell during your lesson please let me know and we will cut the lesson short so that you may get home as soon as is practically possible.

If you test positive, or feel that you have been in contact with somebody who has, please notify me as soon as possible so that we can plan around it. 


Please complete the CONTACT INFORMATION then copy and paste it and send it to me before your first lesson. Completion and forwarding of the contact form will be taken as acceptance of the information contained here and I’ll assume you’ve read it 😊  In accordance with data protection your details will not be shared with anybody and will be stored on a device with password protection. When you cease to be a pupil your details will be removed immediately. Only you and I will see those details and they will never be provided to a 3rd party without your consent. 


Charges & conditions


72-24 hrs prior to the date of your lesson:        50% of your lesson cost

24hrs or less prior to the date of your lesson:  100% of your lesson cost.


My current lesson charge for new pupils is £45/hour. Lessons are usually 2 hours.

Lastly, here are my bank details. If you experience any difficulties making a payment please let me know; banks are increasingly picky about the exact details matching accounts and it only takes a slight mistake when entering details will prevent them from recognizing the details:

If you choose the pay by transfer I will require the payment to have reached my account before midnight on the day prior to your lesson. If you choose cash we can do that on the day of your lesson. 

Bank details: 

Sort Code 40 47 28 

Account no. 12031337

Account Name: Chris Briant Independent Driving Tuition Ltd

Chris B


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